Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bummer News

just talked to Colleen, she has been laid off from her job - had been there for 12 years.

She asked to me put it on the blog so she didnt have to tell everyone individually.

Better add Colleen to the prayer list.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Eric look-alike? He goes to our church

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hellooooo, you hoo, hellloooooo - anyone out there?

C'mon people there must be something going on or new photo's to post!

It's spring ahead to daylight's saving time - Yeah, that means springs is getting closer and closer! :)

I just ate a English muffin and I'm having a nice hot cup of coffee. Oh and Stan is in Australia - That's all I got for the moment, now it's your turn.

okay maybe one more, I will be going back part time at API, but will be able to do it from home, so that's a plus. It's actually a contract part time job, so I'm not officially an API employee, so I'm more like an independent business...hmmmm "Kristi Enterprises" has a nice ring to it ;)