Monday, April 12, 2010

Chew Yard Sale and dogs on the grill

Hey all,
We are having a yard sale this month on Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th and Sunday the 25th. We hope to get rid of much stuff as possible.

Stan and I were thinking it might be fun to have some dogs on the grill after the sale ends on Saturday the 24th. We are thinking the sale hours will be 9-4 and the grill will start up shortly after that.

If you are interested in stopping over for a hot dog and salad please let us know. Looks like now the plan is to be out of here mid May so time is a running out :)

let me know if you plan to stop over - thanks. Kristi & Stan

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Hi all,
sorry you probably all rec'd an email saying username password stuff was updated, it was just me. I hadnt been in the blog for so long I couldnt remember what my password was.

Anyway, I sent you all an email looking for tables to borrow for a yard sale. If you have any to lend us please let me know.

