Friday, December 17, 2010

This is a test

This is a test to see if anybody reads this anymore.

As many of you probably are unaware that Mesaba Airlines was sold to Pinnacle Corp. last summer. As part of the sale all of Mesaba operations would be either transfered to another airline with the remaining assets and jobs moving down to Memphis TN. This includes my current position. Although I have heard that MEM is a nice area, neither myself or Kate have had a longing or heard the call to head there but at the same time have left the option on the table.

This posting is to say that we will not be heading to MEM with Mesaba Airlines and I will likely terminate my employment with them. I have been given a conditional job offer to work for Delta Airlines here in the Twin Cities as a line mechanic at the MSP airport. This is all pending a successful, drug test and audiogram along with the fingerprinting as part of the background check. If all goes well (and it should) I could be starting mid January, just in time for the wonderful crisp weather and temperatures.

This is an exciting transition for us and we look forward to the future growth opportunities at Delta and to also stay in Minnesota to enjoy the four seasons and friendships that have grown deep.

Merry Christmas everybody ! ! !

Friday, July 30, 2010

Pitching Picture

Josh doing one of his favorite summer activities.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Chew Yard Sale and dogs on the grill

Hey all,
We are having a yard sale this month on Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th and Sunday the 25th. We hope to get rid of much stuff as possible.

Stan and I were thinking it might be fun to have some dogs on the grill after the sale ends on Saturday the 24th. We are thinking the sale hours will be 9-4 and the grill will start up shortly after that.

If you are interested in stopping over for a hot dog and salad please let us know. Looks like now the plan is to be out of here mid May so time is a running out :)

let me know if you plan to stop over - thanks. Kristi & Stan

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Hi all,
sorry you probably all rec'd an email saying username password stuff was updated, it was just me. I hadnt been in the blog for so long I couldnt remember what my password was.

Anyway, I sent you all an email looking for tables to borrow for a yard sale. If you have any to lend us please let me know.



Monday, March 29, 2010

JBQ 2010

Josh's 1st year in Jr. Bible Quiz

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stan and Kristi

Hope all is okay with you two. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Summer is here !

Well not really, not yet anyway. But its not to early to start preparing. This summer I will be doing something not as adventurous or demanding as Steve and Judy did. (I know call me wimp) But I will be riding 150 miles in the MS150 from Duluth (Proctor to be exact) to Nowthen, which is close to were Dad lives.

If you wish to help and donate ( tax deductible ) gift you can visit my web page at: